Episode 23: COVID19, When the Dust Settles
How does one go from living jobless in their parents’ basement to running 7 ultramarathons on 7 continents, building up a company and brand, all while raising hundreds of thousands for charity?? Joel Runyon dives into the impossible in this episode, sharing the major mindset shift that allowed him to achieve all of these things, and detailing how we can break through the limits we subconsciously set for ourselves.
It all starts with “turning the impossible into a challenge.” One of Joel’s “impossibles” was running a triathlon, which in time led to him taking on the ultras in order to raise money for building schools worldwide. No, it was. not. easy. Joel wasn’t a runner to begin with, and there were so many times he could have quit. But, to Joel, a few hours of pain was more than doable if it meant a lifetime of possibilities for a child given the gift of education. “Impossible” in areas of poverty around the world includes obtaining clean water and building schools. Remembering this, do your “impossibles” appear a little more achievable as you re-appreciate the resources you’ve been given? Often, the obstacle surrounding the seemingly-impossible is fear.
Currently, there’s a lot of fear surrounding the global COVID-19 pandemic. Joel and hosts Bob and Kelsey point out that there is also a lot of opportunity. We can either use our free time to sit around in the basement, eating junk food and watching Netflix, or we can read more books, set more goals, workout, grow stronger; breathe. “Don’t come out of this [social isolation] weaker.” Our response to a time of crisis, where much is beyond our control, is a choice. Getting into the practice of taking available opportunities puts us in a much better place to not just grow ourselves, but also to reach out to others. What will you use your lockdown time to achieve for yourself and for those around you?
You can check out Joel’s business Impossible, its products and what it’s accomplishing worldwide at impossiblehq.com and impossible.org. You can also find impossiblehq and joelrunyon on Twitter and Instagram.
Your hosts are on the gram too, looking forward to hearing from you!