47 Labor Day: TTSP's Day of Rest

Hey tribe,

As discussed on last week's episode, once a month we are going to take a break from being on air. Here's why:

1) We want to demonstrate the health and importance of taking breaks, rests and sabbaths.

2) If you are really missing our voices, then we encourage you to go back and re-listen to an episode. This week we recommend Episode 30, 27, and 26 as our favorites. There are so many wise tools of truth, that we guarantee you will glean more by listening to episodes again.

3) Play catch up. Maybe you are behind in your podcasting. So this is a way to play catch up.

4) Instead of listening to us, use this "podcast time" to pray, retreat, rest, and relax. Go into nature and listen to the sounds. Quiet your heart and mind, what is God trying to tell you. Spend time with a loved one, make that purposeful phone call you have been putting off.

Whatever this "time off" means to you, we hope that you find it purposeful and productive and it is a reminder to dream YOUR big dreams, walk in YOUR purposeful path, and as someone ordinary you are destined to be and do extraordinary! Thanks for being YOU!

Please, as a reminder, be sure to subscribe to this podcast and REVIEW! It will help us tremendously.

And as always, thanks to our sponsor www.moimoimarket.com 


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