The Story Behind the Children's Book: Supporting Generation Alpha to Live Altruistically

You guys! We here at Moi Moi Market have launched our first product! The dream for this children's book began in Indiana, manifested in Hawaii, was put into action in Illinois, then flown to Africa where it then was manufactured in Kansas. So many people have been a part of this altruistic journey, and we want to thank you all for being a part of this beautiful experience. By purchasing this book, you can help continue the altruism by teaching Generation Alpha, what it means to live beyond themselves and help us continue the work of helping people get back on their feet post pandemic.  To purchase the book click here

1 comment

  • Dear Team Kelsey,
    I am so excited to share that I was able to use your book as a read aloud to a third grade classroom here in Fort Collins Colorado. The book made such an impact today because the classroom was studying international women’s week. I was able to tell them about Kelsey being the captain of our own boat. We were studying Ruth Bader Ginsburg in the morning and then I transitioned into this book and Kelsey your input into the production of this book was so impressive! I look forward to sharing this book in other settings as well! Have a wonderful March!
    Michelle Hayes

    Michelle Hayes

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