Episode 46: Vacation is to the Mind as Vitamin D is to the Body

Is it just me, or does life sometimes seem on Fast Forward? Even in this season of COVID, life just seems busy. Well I'm no expert, but today's podcast I share with you what I'm learning about rest, and the importance of turning off our brain from time to time.

I'm currently in the mountains of California and have decided to not think, talk, and/or do work (well except for this podcast). As I'm implementing a season of fun, no work, and sabbath I'm finding that my mind is feeling sharper, my energy is coming back, and I'm beginning to find the creative me again. All from doing nothing, for a scheduled season. Hence the word SCHEDULED.

It was crazy to learn that many Americans don't take all of their paid vacation. I was in shock. P-A-I-D vacation peoples, and you can't find the time to take a break? There's something wrong with that picture. Is our identity really tied up in our work, in what we do. Do we fear letting go, failing, falling short? Well in my research, by letting go of our responsibilities (again in a scheduled season), we can come back feeling more equipped and can be more productive. So why are companies not requiring their employees to take their PTO or maybe they should consider giving even more?

I'm not an advocate of laziness in any way. I believe much of life is meant to be a time to work hard, be productive, contribute to society, make a difference in other's life. But we can't do what is expected of us if we are feeling burnt out and empty.

Vacation, rest, sabbath is a way to refuel. As a professed work-a-holic, I understand finding identity in what you do. However, as a recovering work-a-holic, I'm understanding the world will continue without me, and that's a good thing too.

So here are a few ideas of what YOU can do to take some time to rest: daily, weekly, and annually.



-Go for a walk


-Take a 20 minute power nap (no more and you will feel groggy)

-Go for a short drive

-Maybe call a friend (if you are working alone and isolated especially)



-Take a day to do something that you don't normally do.

-Play a board game with your family

-Go camp, hike, fish, nap, bird watch, paddleboard, swim, kayak

-Treat yourself and go out to eat (that way you get a break from cooking)



-Schedule a vacation. Even if it is a staycation. Turn off your emails and notifications. Put aside your phone. Do something that you have always wanted to do (budget for this said event throughout the year). Laugh, Cry, Have fun! oh and don't do it alone.



  • SiTyNqLnsM

  • lBsRIPKzcyxZ


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