Variety of colours and sizes:
Ocean-blue sea glass coin ring with copper-plated silver wire – Size 8.5 $18.75
Ocean-blue sea glass coin ring with copper wire – Size 6.5 $18.75
Earth-green sea glass coin with copper-plated silver wire – Size 9.5 $18.75
Earth-green sea glass coin with copper-plated gold wire – Size 5.5 $18.75
Coral pink glass coin with copper-plated silver wire & copper wire detail – Size 4.5 $18.75
Coral pink glass coin with copper-plated silver wire, gold wire detail & tiny shell – Size 7.5 $20
SEA GLASS. Glass is an ancient material, one of the most ancient known and used by man. Sea glass is created when man-made glass finds itself in the sea then spends years becoming weathered, worn down and smoothed by the motion of the ocean. It shares with you the ability to flow with the tides of life. Sea-glass not only contains the cleansing, rejuvenating essence of the ocean, but also the powerful energies of the sun and moon. It can act as a channel for healing - allowing positive healing energy to flow in the body as negative energy flows out.
Beach glass is also often seen as a metaphor for the journey of personal growth. It started whole, but is broken down over time. Slowly its renewal and healing process begins when eventually it is transformed into something new and beautiful.
The colour BLUE promotes inner peace and calm, helping to reduce stress and anxiety. It has a pacifying effect over our nervous system, helps improve sleep and brings us great relaxation. Blue connects to the throat chakra, also known as the 5th chakra, which governs our ability to listen, communicate, and express ourselves effectively.
GREEN is a natural healing color because it’s vastly present in the world around us. As a sign of new-life, growth renewal and clarity, green has a strong tie to nature and is very important in generating, peaceful, calming energy, perfect for meditation and self-reflection. It can help balance the mind, make one feel grounded and at one with Mother Earth. Green can especially be healing for the heart, lungs, and circulatory system.
PINK has nurturing properties and encourages emotional healing. It inspires feelings of compassion, love, and emotional. Pink carries the essence of unconditional love and resonates with the heart and higher heart chakras as well as the planet Venus. Promoting forgiveness and attunement to universal love, pink is gently energizing, combining love with action. Pink stones may help bring healing to blood disorders as well as support a healthy heart.
Sea DandeLion Crystals: Mermaid Collection. All crystal and sea-shells I work with are cleansed in the ocean. Finished pieces are dedicated to the Highest Good to work in Love and Light.