At Printlife, we're in love with paper. We like their smell, touch, elegance; we recreate ourselves with the lives that enclose their fibers and dream of the stories that you can still — and must — tell. As good lovers, we take care of him to the last detail, we pamper him, so as not to strip him of his nobility. By recovering the handcrafted binding, an old but beautiful craft fallen into disuse, we offer our customers an indigenous, sustainable and high quality product. Printlife products are meticulously created with recycled materials that, combined with fresh and cheerful designs crafted, result in unique pieces of great human and artistic value. By purchasing our products, our customers collaborate directly on: • The health of the planet thanks to eco-sustainable production. • Fair and local trade. • Support for the culture, roots and value of craftsmen This is our role. Which one is yours?
Journals made in Barcelona